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RDoC Matrix

Important Notes on the Matrix

The RDoC Matrix is a component of the larger RDoC Framework. It is a tool to help implement the principles of RDoC. Before you utilize the RDoC matrix in your study, please read more about the Framework on the About RDoC page. Also, read these notes first if you are new to the RDoC Matrix.

Negative Valence Systems

Construct/Subconstruct Genes
Molecules Cells Circuits Physiology Behavior Self-Report Paradigms
Acute Threat ("Fear") Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Potential Threat ("Anxiety") Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Sustained Threat Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Loss Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Frustrative Nonreward Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements

Positive Valence Systems

Construct/Subconstruct Genes
Molecules Cells Circuits Physiology Behavior Self-Report Paradigms
Reward Responsiveness Reward Anticipation Elements
Initial Response to Reward Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Reward Satiation Elements
Reward Learning Probabilistic and Reinforcement Learning Elements
Reward Prediction Error Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Habit - PVS Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Reward Valuation Reward (probability) Elements
Delay Elements
Effort Elements Elements Elements Elements

Cognitive Systems

Construct/Subconstruct Genes
Molecules Cells Circuits Physiology Behavior Self-Report Paradigms
Attention Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Perception Visual Perception Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Auditory Perception Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Olfactory/Somatosensory/Multimodal/Perception Elements
Declarative Memory Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Language Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Cognitive Control Goal Selection; Updating, Representation, and Maintenance ⇒ Focus 1 of 2 ⇒ Goal Selection Elements Elements Elements
Goal Selection; Updating, Representation, and Maintenance ⇒ Focus 2 of 2 ⇒ Updating, Representation, and Maintenance Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Response Selection; Inhibition/Suppression ⇒ Focus 1 of 2 ⇒ Response Selection Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Response Selection; Inhibition/Suppression ⇒ Focus 2 of 2 ⇒ Inhibition/Suppression Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Performance Monitoring Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Working Memory Active Maintenance Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Flexible Updating Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Limited Capacity Elements Elements Elements Elements
Interference Control Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements

Social Processes

Construct/Subconstruct Genes
Molecules Cells Circuits Physiology Behavior Self-Report Paradigms
Affiliation and Attachment Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Social Communication Reception of Facial Communication Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Production of Facial Communication Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Reception of Non-Facial Communication Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Production of Non-Facial Communication Elements Elements Elements Elements
Perception and Understanding of Self Agency Elements Elements Elements Elements
Self-Knowledge Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Perception and Understanding of Others Animacy Perception Elements Elements Elements Elements
Action Perception Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Understanding Mental States Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements

Arousal and Regulatory Systems

Construct/Subconstruct Genes
Molecules Cells Circuits Physiology Behavior Self-Report Paradigms
Arousal Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Circadian Rhythms Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Sleep-Wakefulness Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements

Sensorimotor Systems

Construct/Subconstruct Genes
Molecules Cells Circuits Physiology Behavior Self-Report Paradigms
Motor Actions Action Planning and Selection Elements Elements Elements
Sensorimotor Dynamics Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Initiation Elements Elements Elements Elements
Execution Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Inhibition and Termination Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Agency and Ownership Elements Elements Elements Elements
Habit - Sensorimotor Elements Elements Elements Elements Elements
Innate Motor Patterns Elements Elements Elements